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The dollhouse world is generally comprised of four distinct scales (or sizes) with one-inch (1:12) scale being the most common or popular. The other scales include half-inch (1:24), quarter-inch (1:48), and 144th (1:144) or dollhouse for dollhouse scale. If you don't know the scale of your dollhouse, you can generally determine it by measuring the ceiling height of the first floor/main level. If it measures between 8" and 10" (generally), you could be pretty certain you have a 1" scale dollhouse. Conversely, for a 1/2" scale dollhouse, the ceiling height would range from about 4" to 5" and for 1/4" scale dollhouses, the ceiling height would be around 2" to 2-1/2". It helps to understand that 1" = 1' in one-inch scale; 1" = 2' in half-inch scale; 1" = 4' in quarter-inch scale; and 1" = 12' in dollhouse for dollhouse scale (144th).
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